Vitamin D: what it is used for and what foods to find it in

Blog ENG VitaminD INgredients

Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble substances that play a key role in the proper functioning of the body: for example, they regulate calcium and phosphate metabolism and homeostasis, supporting the physiological growth of bones and protecting them from aging but not only. Let’s find out together the properties of vitamin D and which […]

Microbes in the mouth and respiratory diseases: prevention is better than cure.

Blog ENG MouthMicrobes1 INgredients

In the first part of the article, we saw how the oral microbiota, that is, the set of all microorganisms living in our mouths, can play a crucial role in keeping not only the mouth itself, but also our entire body, healthy. Indeed, there is a correlation between alterations in the oral microecosystem and certain […]

Cheese: between science and fake news

formaggi scienza fake news

Defending against fake news is not easy. It takes very little to fall for it, and it can happen to anyone. Today we debunk the three most talked-about false myths about cheeses, abused like so many other poor foods. Ready? Go!

The gut microbiota

Blog ENG GutMicrobiota INgredients

What it is, what functions it performs, and how we can take care of this important ally of our health. From here and there on the Web and in magazines we have probably come across this somewhat edgy term. Gut microbiota. I can imagine eyebrows furrowing in puzzlement, eyes scrolling through the first line of […]

Microbes in our mouth and respiratory diseases: is there a correlation?

Blog ENG MouthMicrobes2 INgredients

Microorganisms living in the oral cavity are connected to our health: not only to that of the mouth itself, but most likely also to that of our respiratory system. Recently, I had the opportunity to read and study a review from 2022 that talks about this very correlation1. In the world of scientific literature, a […]