The diet to strengthen the immune system

quali sono sostanze alimenti aumentano difese immunitarie

Having high immune defenses allows our bodies to defend against diseases and infections typical of certain times of the year. To make the immune system more efficient, it is essential to eat a healthy and balanced diet: here are some tips to put into practice. What is the immune system? […]

Probiotics and prebiotics: physical and mental benefits

probiotici e cervello felice

When we talk about theimportance of proper nutrition, we are not only referring to physical well-being, but also to mental well-being. In fact, eating in a healthy and balanced way directly affects the mental and physical well-being of our entire body. That’s why supplementing foods rich in probiotics and prebiotics within our […]

Personal trainer’s tips for taking care of the body

30 minuti esercizi prendersi cura corpo

We are all aware that time is precious, but equally important is to take care of one’s physical well-being, because as they say: the body is a temple and we must treat it as if it were our own home. There are those who saynutrition does it all, those who pump it […]