Science in the Kitchen: Emulsions. What they are and how to make them

le Emulsioni in cucina. Cosa sono, tipologie, come farle, gli emulsionanti

Cooking is an art that thrives on creativity, tradition and innovation. However, behind every delicious dish there is also a complex dance of scientific principles. From baking to fermentation, from leavening to emulsion formation, science permeates every aspect of our daily culinary preparations. In this article we will explore one of these scientific wonders: emulsions. […]

All the secrets of butter: history, composition and how to make it at home

Blog ENG Butter INgredients

Butter is an ancient food, among mankind’s most valued foods. An ingredient that has spanned millennia of history and cultures, influencing culinary traditions around the world. Its origin is rooted in the mists of time, yet today, in our modern world, it continues to be an undisputed star on the tables of millions.   In […]

Cheeses for all tastes! Where does their flavor come from?

formaggio tutti gusti

There is a huge variety of cheeses in the world, and Italy is world famous for many of them. Each cheese has its own flavor and aroma (1), so that it can be said that there is a cheese for every taste. But where does the taste of cheese come from? First, from milk. […]