Antibiotics: what are they and how do they work?

come funzionano antibiotici

The relationship between humans and microbes is a love-hate relationship. As we have seen in previous articles,1, 2 microorganisms, and especially bacteria, are important allies for us, since they live in huge numbers in our intestines and some of our food production depends on their help. At the same time, however, it […]

Molds and bacteria for cheese making: not all molds come to harm!

muffe giuste scopriamole insieme

Imagine someone proposing, “I’ll give you 100 euros if you eat this food, but know that it has billions of bacteria and moldin it.” I don’t know about you, but I would hesitate a little and probably turn down the offer! Yet, if the same person offered me a taste of Gorgonzola, the nice […]